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If a regulatory body controls your work then we can help if your regulator decides to take action from you.  

We can help if you are a member of the following bodies:


  • Financial Conduct Authority

  • General Medical Council

  • Nursing and Midwifery Council

  • Solicitors Regulation Authority


Our expertise includes:


  • Representing/advising individuals who are subject to investigations by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).  The FCA are authorised to fine, suspend, prohibit, order injunctions, bring criminal prosecutions or take other action to prevent market abuse, such as insider dealing.  We can help you if you face action from the FCA.

  • Representing members of the medical profession facing disciplinary action relating to fitness to practise.  If an allegation is made about a nurse or midwife or doctor who may not meet the professional standards we can defend the regulators investigation and, where necessary, take action to prohibit detriment.

  • Representing/advising individuals facing banning orders under Protection of Vulnerable Adults (POVA).  The POVA list is a list of people who are banned from working in a care position in a registered care home (whether employed by the home or an agency), or with a domiciliary care agency. It is a criminal offence for someone on the list to apply for this type of work. Providers cannot employ people either provisionally listed or confirmed on the POVA list. The criteria for a care worker to be referred to POVA are where the provider believes the care worker has been guilty of misconduct, which harmed or placed at risk of harm a vulnerable adult.

Meet The TMP Team

Meet the team dedicated to helping you in your case. From researchers to lawyers, our skillset is at the core of our continued growth and success.

Contact Us

020 3693 2545

TMP Solicitors

99 Bishopsgate



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Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority SRA No: 468968

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